To prevent COVID-19 spread, KAI requires all passengers to wear masks

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To prevent COVID-19 spread, KAI requires all passengers to wear masks

Head of West Sumatra Divre II Public Relations, M. Reza Fahlepi. (ANTARA / Agung Pambudi)

Padang (ANTARA) - State railway company PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Regional Division II West Sumatra requiring passengers to wear masks at stations and on trains to reduce the impact of the spread of COVID-19.

"This rule applies starting from April 12, 2020. For passengers who do not wear masks are prohibited from taking the train and tickets will be returned in full," said Head of Public Relations of West Sumatra Divre II, M. Reza Fahlepi in Padang, Thursday.

He explained, the rules for passengers should wear masks are in line with government policies in accordance with the recommendations of the world health agency (WHO), which requires people to wear masks when they are outdoors.

Towards April 12, the management of KAI Divre II began to socialize the policy to the public through announcements at the station, on the train, social media, and various other media.

Reza appealed to the passengers to keep their distance at the station or on the train, often to wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer, and delay trips that are less important and not urgent.

"We hope that passengers can comply with these rules in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19," he said.

He further said, his party in anticipating the spread of COVID-19 had carried out various activities, in addition to spraying disinfectants, his party also provided hand washing soap for passengers.

In addition, his party also reduced the frequency and canceled several train trips as part of supporting government policies to reduce community mobility.

"Although there has been some reduction in train schedules, PT KAI Divre II has ensured that the distance between passengers on the train will still be applied through arrangements by officers. At present the volume of passengers is decreasing," he said.

Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani

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