Padang (ANTARA) - Air Manis beach tourism area which is the mainstay tourist attraction of Padang city is revitalized around the Malin Kundang stone area to spoil visitors who want to enjoy the Malin Kundang stone icon.
A manager of Air Manis beach, Riki said the intensity of visitors enjoying the atmosphere of the beach continues to increase, but now the stone that is becoming an icon is now increasingly faint in shape because covered with sand.
The improvement of the location of the Malin Kundang stone is done to revitalize the ornaments, trinkets on the physical boat and can clear up the shape of the stone and also strengthen the validity of legend known by the world.
Revitalization has begun since September 2019 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.
This tourism object is already known by local and foreign tourists. Therefore, the government is conducting revitalization of the rock area and interesting things such as widening the road, providing parking, making an evacuation route and then building a road to the banana island.
"The road to this banana island becomes a new thing later, so that Air Manis beach will feel exotic," He said.
With the revitalization of the beach location, the economic opportunities of traders around the beach area will increase. Later, traders will be facilitated with strategic locations.
Padang city is rich in tourist attractions seen from the beauty of the atmosphere, for example is Air Manis beach . The Visitors who will come to Air Manis beach just to pay an entrance ticket at a rate of Rp. 10,000 / person.
Visitors are presented some games such as motorbike taxi, motor viar, beach waves, photo background, ocean expanse, and Malin Kundang stone.
According to a visitor, Nia really enjoyed the atmosphere of the beach, the waves, the sand beach and the stone Malin Kundang become a differentiator from other attractions.
Translated by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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