Painan (ANTARA) - The Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center (BPSPL) of Padang, W Sumatra took samples from a dead whale shark that strand on Taluak Batuang Beach, Batang Kapas District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, on Monday Okt 7.
"We took the sample in the gills and blood section, then it is sent to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences for further research," said a member of the Padang BPSPL Quick Response Team, Fadly at the location, on Tuesday.
He added the research was intended to find out the cause of death of the fish which has a length of 7.3 meters and 2.3 meters wide.
He explained before being stranded, the fish that entered the list of protected animals were trapped in trawls owned by the local traditional fishermen.
After fishermen knew that there was a whale shark trapped, fishermen tried to get it out so that the trawl was not damaged.
Furthermore, fishermen pulled the fish into deep waters used a machine boat, but not for long the fish returned to the shore and died.
Meanwhile, Head of the Fishermen and Cultivator Empowerment Section, Pesisir Selatan Fisheries Service, Firdaus said that the fish were buried not far from the stranded location.
To facilitate the burial process, one unit of heavy equipment was used to dig holes and lift the fish.
According to him, if the fish not buried it will make the air around it unpleasant and disturbing the surrounding community.
"The burial of fish is twice as deep as the height of the fish," he said.
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Translated by: Mutiara Ramadhani - Internship Student of ANTARA 2019