Padang (ANTARA) - The Provincial Government of W sumatra anticipated the spread of COVID-19 from the possibility of homecoming migrants from the area to celebrate Eid al-Adha 1441 Hijri.
"May be our migrants will return home on Eid al-Adha because they cannot homecoming during Idul Fitri 1441 Hijri. We anticipate that, so, there will be no new spread on this momentum," said W Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno in Padang on Wednesday (7/1).
He said when last Eid al-Fitr momentum, W Sumatra conducted the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) so that migrants could not homecoming. May be on Eid al-Adha will be a momentum to return home and stay in touch with family.
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Irwan said that the efforts made to anticipate that there would be no new distribution clusters were to conduct selective supervision on land and sea routes while at the airport all who came had to do swab tests.
"We have begun this selective supervision since June 29, 2020. We will continue to carry out the Eid al-Adha momentum," he said.
The selective supervision will check the implementation of health protocols and random health checks, not stopping all vehicles such as the large-scale social restrictions.
The goal is to keep "filtering", that those who enter W Sumatra are healthy people but the technical is not as strict as before.
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While at the airport the inspection was carried out more stringently. All passengers who arrive must swab tests to ensure health conditions.
"We ask the district and city governments to continue to remind the community, both those in the village and those who have just returned from other region to comply the health protocol," he said.
The spread of COVID-19 in W Sumatra has been sloping in recent weeks. The addition of cases is no longer significant while the cure rate is getting better.
Data from the W Sumatra Health Office, the total positive cases of COVID-19 infection on Wednesday (7/1) were 742 with 607 people (81.80 percent) recovered, being treated at the Independent Quarantine and Isolation Hospital with 104 people (14.02 percent) and died 31 people (4.18 percent).
Trasnleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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