Palm Oil Plantation Company Distributed 6,000 Liters of Cooking Oil - ANTARA Sumbar

Palm Oil Plantation Company Distributed 6,000 Liters of Cooking Oil

id minyak goreng

Palm Oil Plantation Company Distributed 6,000 Liters of Cooking Oil

The handed over of cooking oil assistance. (ANTARA SUMBAR/Altas Maulana/)

Simpang Empat, (Antaranews Sumbar) - Palm oil plantation company PT Agrowiratama Sungai Aur West Pasaman District, West Sumatra distributed 6,000 liters of cooking oil for underprivileged residents.

A total of 6,000 packets of cooking oil were handed over to West Pasaman District which will be distributed to the less fortunate, Public Relations of PT Agrowiratama, Susanto Fitriadi stated in here on Thursday (June 7).

Delivery of cooking oil is one form of corporate concerns to the people of West Pasaman before Eid 1439 Hijriah.

Palm oil plantation company is committed to take into account the society and the social environment.

In addition to provide cooking oil, it also concerned with education, social, environmental and fire disasters.

"Hopefully, this aids can alleviate the burden of people of West Pasaman," he added.

Regent of West Pasaman, Syahiran accompanied by Chairman of TP PKK of West Pasaman, Yunisra Syahiran when receiving assistance from PT Agrowiratama gives appreciation for the company's concern to citizens of West Pasaman.

The Regent hopes the palm oil plantation companies in the local area continued to show concern to community in the future. (cha)