Jakarta (ANTARA) - PLN has succeeded in becoming the highest ranked company in South and Southeast Asia as a key company that will determine the success of energy system transformation and decarbonization, based on the results of an assessment conducted by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA).
The results were presented at the launching of the Electric Utilities Benchmark held online on July 6, 2020.
PLN was chosen to be one of the 50 electricity companies in the world. The 50 companies were selected from 450 world energy companies which were assessed, and considered to have an influence on achieving the Paris Agreement's target to slow down climate change.
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"This is one proof of our commitment to continue to encourage the use of renewable energy in the supply of electricity in Indonesia," said Director of Human Capital and Management of PLN, Syofvi F. Roekman.
The WBA Climate and Energy Benchmark ranking is carried out using the Assessing low-Carbon Transition (ACT) methodology that assesses an organization's readiness in the transition to a low carbon economy in terms of management strategies, climate change, business models, investments, operations, and management of greenhouse gas emissions . This methodology is a product of ACT initiative which is a collaborative program of ADEME and CDP.
Electricity companies are considered to have an important role as a supporter of achieving low carbon energy, which is the decarbonization of electricity companies is very central to encourage the transition to a low carbon economy.
The WBA Climate and Energy Benchmark assesses that selected companies can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 13 and SDG 7 and provide incentives to align their strategies with the goal of limiting global warming under 2C in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
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With an installed generating capacity of 43.85 Gigawatts (GW), PLN is committed to increasing the new and renewable energy (EBT) from 12 percent in 2018 to 23 percent in 2025.
PLN has policies and strategies related to climate change mitigation and has formed a special organizational unit for climate mitigation and adaptation management. Until May 2020, EBT generating capacity in Indonesia reached 7,963 Megawatts.
Furthermore, in the green transformation program, PLN introduced new business models (green boosters) that support PLN's strategy for meeting EBT targets and mitigating climate change. PLN also regularly reports the results of an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions through the Sustainability Report.
Overall, PLN ranks 28th in the world ahead of National Power Berhad, Malaysia (# 29), Chubu Electric Pouwer, Japan (# 32), Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan (# 37), Taiwan Power Company (# 38), Korea Electric Power Corporation (# 39) and Eskom Holdings, South Africa (# 41).
Meanwhile, the Rsted power company with offices in Denmark won the first rank and became a benchmark for other electricity companies throughout the world. This company has a carbon neutrality target in 2040 that covers the entire business chain.
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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