Lubukbasung (ANTARA) - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) at Agam, W Sumatra noted that there are 14 distribution points of Rafflesia Arnoldii and Tuan-mudae flowers that grow in protected forests and the Maninjau Nature Reserve.
"The flower was found since 1934 to 2020. Besides in Palupuh sub-district, a new distribution was found in 2014 to 2020," said the Agam BKSDA Forest Ecosystem Controller Ade Putra said in Lubukbasung on Tuesday.
14 distribution of rare flowers were found in the Subdistricts of Palupuh, Baso, Matur, Palembayan, Malalak, Kamangmagek, Tanjungraya and others.
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Specifically in Tanjungraya Subdistrict, the location where most flowers are found is protected by Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems by five points in four traditional villages.
"We found the flower on the edge of Lake Maninjau in the Protected Forest and Maninjau Nature Reserve," he said.
The number of distribution points of the Rafflesia Flower population is around 36 points, because each distribution has one to six flowers.
With so many distributions, there are about 50 flowers that bloom each year.
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In early 2020, an individual Tuan-mudae Rafflesia flower blossomed perfectly with a diameter of 111 centimeters in Marambuang, Nagari Baringin, Palembayan Subdistrict.
This is the Rafflesia flower that has the largest perfect bloom in the world.
This is based on what was recorded and documented, so that it was reported by the media in more than 32 countries ,.
"When it blooms perfectly, the flower is quite crowded with tourists," he said.
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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