Pariaman (ANTARA) - The Food Truck Festival held by the Government of the City of Pariaman, W Sumatra aims to lure young people in the area to open a trading business using trucks.
"On the truck, a number of culinary specialties from Pariaman can be sold and this is a good business opportunity," said Deputy Mayor of Pariaman, Mardison Mahyuddin after opening the Food Truck Festival in Pariaman on Wednesday.
He said the existence of these business methods can attract consumers to buy products that are sold so that it can increase citizens' income.
According to him the business method is suitable for the City of Pariaman which is a tourism area.
"We want to create businesses to improve the economy of the citizens of Kota Pariaman," he said.
He said the festival also aims to attract tourists to come to the City of Pariaman so that the visit can increase the income of small and medium businesses in the area.
"This opportunity must be utilized by the citizens of the City of Pariaman," he said.
In line with that, Head of the Pariaman City Cooperative and Micro Small Medium Enterprises Industry Office, Gusniyetti Zaunit said the Food Truck Festival runs from 18 to 22 December.
"The purpose of the Food Truck Festival is to realize the City of Pariaman as a culinary and tourism city," he said.
He hopes that these activities can attract the citizens of the City of Pariaman to sell by car.
"For the capital, citizens can borrow it through banks who interest rates in 2020 are already low at 4 percent," he added.
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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