Bukittinggi becomes the first city enforces new normal order in W Sumatra

id psbb sumbar,Covid 19,Berita Sumbar,Padnag hari ini,berita bukittinggi,new normal,positif corona sumbar

Bukittinggi becomes the first city enforces new normal order in W Sumatra

A number of visitors enjoyed the Jam Gadang area in Bukittinggi, W Sumatra, Monday (5/25/2020). ANTARA PHOTOS / Iggoy el Fitra / cellphone.

Padang (ANTARA) - The Government of W Sumatra Provincial has decided to extend the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to control COVID-19 in 18 districts / cities until June 7, 2020, and only give permission to Bukittinggi city to carry out the new normal order.

"One of the requirements for implementing new normal is the Rt: Effective Reproduction Number or the level of spread of the virus must be below 1. W Sumatra Province is still above 1," said W Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno on Thursday.

He added, the area in W Sumatra whose coronary virus transmission had decreased by Rt below 1 was only Bukittinggi.

"Bukittinggi has been preparing for a long time so that it is considered able to start the new normal," he said.

He explained that districts / cities in W Sumatra that are still continuing the PSBB will also prepare steps towards new normal, including improving community discipline in implementing health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19 with the support of the National Police and the National Army.

Regencies / cities that are still continuing the PSBB must also continue efforts to control COVID-19 by maximizing examination, tracking, isolation, and patient handling.

The governor said that the provincial government would support the city and district governments to prepare for new normal order referring to government regulations, including decision of Minister of Health on guidelines for prevention and control of COVID-19 in office and industry workplaces in supporting business continuity in a pandemic situation.

Pesisir Selatan, Padang Panjang, and Bukittinggidi governments in West Sumatra have expressed their readiness for new normal. However, only Bukittinggi city is considered to meet the requirements to conduct it.

Trasnleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani

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