The haze in Padang is getting thicker, visibility dropped to six kilometers

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The haze in Padang is getting thicker, visibility dropped to six kilometers

Warga beraktivitas di tengah kabut asap yang menyelimuti kota Padang, Sumatera Barat, Selasa (15/10/2019). Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Pemantau Atmosfer Global (GAW) Bukit Kototabang, memprediksi potensi penurunan kualitas udara akan meluas di Sumbar pada beberapa hari ke depan akibat kabut asap kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla), dengan konsentrasi partikulat meningkat pada siang hari. ANTARA FOTO/Iggoy el Fitra/pras.

Padang (ANTARA) - Visibility in the city of Padang, W Sumatra on Tuesday, Oct 15 dropped to six kilometers from the previous seven kilometers due to haze sent by neighboring provinces that are increasingly concentrated.

Minangkabau BMKG member, Yudha Nugraha when contacted from Padang on Tuesday said the smoke that blanketed the city of Padang came from Jambi and South Sumatra.

"The increase in the number of hotspots has reached more than 330 with high confidence levels in the Jambi and South Sumatra regions, but in W Sumatra there is no hotspots," he said.

Based on BMKG monitoring, smoke in the region spread to Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, W Sumatra, South Sumatra and spread to the Northwest.

"Because of the general wind direction of Sumatra from the Southeast to the Northwest," he said.

Based on analysis of weather parameters in West Sumatra mostly it is safe from forest fires and land, but there are some areas that are estimated to be flammable such as Limapuluh Kota, Pesisir Selatan, Solok Selatan, Sijunjung, Dharmasraya and Mentawai Islands.

"Based on the PM10 value in Bukittinggi the air quality was recorded at 124 micrograms / m3, which is still below the quality standard threshold of 150 micrograms / m3, but air quality has decreased to moderate levels," he explained.

According to him, this moderate level usually gives a bad impact such as children, elderly people and groups who have experienced problems with the respiratory tract.

He also appealed to the community to reduce outdoor activities and if you have to leave the house, you should use a mask to reduce the impact of bad air. (*)

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Translated by: Mutiara Ramadhani - Internship Student of ANTARA 2019