A friendly cake still existic in the community

id Makanan,tradisional

A friendly cake still existic in the community

A roasted cake vendor who was lifting a cake from the roasting in the West Sumatra traps, Padang, West Sumatra (Antara Sumbar / lia)

Padang (ANTARA) - Baked rice cakes are one of the traditional foods that are still sold today among the general public. Singgang bakar cake is made from ingredients such as rice flour, cassava tape, salt, granulated sugar, coconut milk and grated coconut for.

To wrap the ingredients to join into the taste, a piece of waru leaf or teak leaf is needed. If it's complete, the ingredients are stirred until all the ingredients become fused and put in the mold.

This roasted cake is still exist. Even though there are many modern foods that appear at this time singgang cake is called the cake bika.

A yasmin trader (42) "for now the singgang cake still exists among the people because it tastes good and can print 160 Singgang cakes in a day from 6:00 to 8:00One piece of cake is sold at a price of one thousand rupiah, which is located in the sandy pit, therefore the community will never forget the delicious cake.

There are also other cakes in other regions, not just being farmed, such as Lubuk Alung, Pariaman, and Lubuk Basung. This singgang cake makes it easy for people to get used to and know what they do.

Written by : Internship Student of ANTARA SUMBAR 2019 from English Department State Polytechnic of Padang