Padang Pariaman Encourages Farmers To Use Superior Rice Seeds

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Padang Pariaman Encourages Farmers To Use Superior Rice Seeds

Superior rice seeds. (Antara)

Parit Malintang, (Antaranews Sumbar) - The Government of Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatra encourages farmers to use superior seeds to increase rice production in the area.

"Our rice production is increasing every year. It was 287 thousand tons in 2016 and rose to 321 thousand tons in 2017," Head of local Agriculture and Food Security Agency, Yurisman Jacob stated in Parit Malintang on Monday.

He said the increase occured due to farmers the used of a number of superior seeds by farmers that have been recommended by relevant agencies.

The use of superior seeds was adapted to farmers' rice conditions and farmer group agreements, he said.

"So in one farmers group, it must use the same kind of seed. If the farmers use different seeds, it will affect the harvest including the harvest time," he remarked.

In general, rice seeds used a certificate. The type of seeds that are used namely PB42, batang piaman, kuriak kusuik, and padi putiah.

"The seeds can be obtained from kiosks and seed development centers in the area," he said.

In addition to use superior seeds, the local government also increased four other indicators that can affect rice production.

These indicators aim to maximize the utilization of irrigation, pest control, the use of modern agricultural tools, and improvement of human resources.

He mentioned that 321 thousand tons paddy production can produce 174.4 thousand tons of rice with 46.4 tons for local consumption and 128 thousand tons for export to other regions.

Rice planting area in the area in 2017 reached 62,338 hectares, while the harvested area reached 61,135 hectares.

The largest rice-producing region in the area in 2017 is Lubuk Alung Sub-district 51,037 tons. Then it followed by Batang Anai 39,742 hectares, and 2x11 Kayu Tanam 24,633 tons, he added. (cha)