4,000 Salted Eggs To Be Distributed on Livestock Expo

id telur asin

4,000 Salted Eggs To Be Distributed on Livestock Expo

Illustration. (Antara)

Painan, (Antaranews Sumbar) - The Government of South Pesisir District, West Sumatra is preparing 4,000 salted eggs to be distributed to participants and visitors of the Livestock Expo or livestock exhibition to be held in September 2018

The head of local Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service, Hazrita in Painan, on Wednesday, said that thousands of salted eggs were prepared by cooperating with four groups of livestock in the area.

"Eggs that will be used as salted eggs are eggs produced by duck breeder ducklings which is the mainstay of our region's poultry," he remarked.

Salted eggs from the high-productivity ducklings will be free for district and municipality representatives who follow Livestock Expo. Then it also distributes free to visitors.

This is a form of promotion so that the local salted egg production is known by the exhibitors.

As planned, in addition to the successful Livestock Expo in 2018, the salted egg will also succeed Langkisau Festival in April and Jambore PKK of West Sumatra which is held in that area in June 2018.

He added Livestock Expo as planned will be held at Sago Beach which is one of the mainstay attractions of local area, in addition to have a stunning beauty location there can also accommodate thousands of visitors. (cha)