Padang (ANTARA) - Based on survey of socio-economic studies conducted by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Andalas University (Unand) in Padang revealed that there were 42.7 percent of Minang migrants who had the potential to return home so that it needed the attention of relevant stakeholders.
"From our survey 57.3 percent of migrants said they would not return home, but there were 27.7 percent who were hesitant and 15 percent said they would go home no matter what," said Coordinator of the COVID-19 Emergency Response of FISIP Unand Dr Aidinil Zetra in Padang, Tuesday.
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He explained that 27.7 percent were doubtful it would be possible to return home and 15 percent would return home, so the number of Minang migrants who had the potential to return home reached 42.7 percent.
According to him, relevant stakeholders have to ensure that migrants refrain from returning home until conditions have recovered.
based on the survey, the status of migrant work affected economically there are 54 percent who are self-employed, then laborers and employees 18.2 percent, non-agricultural free workers 18.2 percent.
Then business that assisted by temporary laborers 9.1 percent, free workers in agriculture 9.1 percent and family workers 9 percent.
Previously the Governor of W Sumatra, Irwan Prayitno reminded immigrants not to go home because all provincial borders were closed to all vehicles based on Permenhub RI No. 25 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control in the Lebaran "Mudik" (homecoming) Period of 2020.
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He added that the regulation specifically regulates the prohibition of vehicles going in and out of areas that implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) such as W Sumatra.
The regulation has been implemented since April 24 until May 31, 2020 and can be extended depending on the policies of the center government.
The prohibition is excluded for vehicles led by the Republic of Indonesia's state institutions, officials who handle COVID-19, operational service vehicles from the Indonesian Military and National Army, fire engines, ambulances, hearses and freight cars with no passengers.
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramdhani
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