Agam Regency Government intensified socialization local regulation of new habit adaptations

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Agam Regency Government intensified socialization local regulation of new habit adaptations

The joint team from the Agam Regency Government conducted a socialization at the Biaro Market, Ampekangkek District, Wednesday (10/7). (ANTARA / special)

Lubukbasung (ANTARA) - The Government of Agam Regency, West Sumatra intensified the socialization of Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Adaptation of New Habits to communities in crowded centers ahead of the enactment of the regulation.

Head of Civil Service Police Unit and Fire Brigade of Agam, Kurniawan Syahputra accompanied by member Bambang Winarto in Lubukbasung, Wednesday, said that the socialization of the Regional Regulation involved a joint team of Civil Service Police Unit and Fire Brigade, Police, National Army and others.

"The team socializes the regional regulation in traditional markets in the area. We urge visitors and market traders to be more disciplined in implementing health protocols, so they can avoid COVID-19 transmission," he said.

On Wednesday (10/7), he added, the joint team socialized to visitors and traders at the Biaro Market, Ampekangkek District.

The team visited the market from 09.00 A.M. to 11.30 A.M.

"The team also socialized the regional regulation on the Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh KM 07 road, which is located in AmpekAngkek District," he said.

In this socialization, the team still puts forward a humanist attitude, so that the message conveyed can be received and applied properly.

The regional regulation is socialized because it will be implemented in Agam on Thursday (10/8).

In the Regional Regulation, people are asked to discipline health protocols, especially wearing masks.

For violators of health protocols, they will be subject to sanctions ranging from administrative sanctions, fines, to imprisonment.

"For residents who do not wear masks, they will be sanctioned according to the existing regulations," he said.

Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani