W Sumatra Consumer Tendency Index Reached 103.28

id W Sumatra Consumer Tendency Index Reached 103.28

W Sumatra Consumer Tendency Index Reached 103.28


Padang, (Antaranews Sumbar) - Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of West Sumatra recorded the index of consumer tendency in the area in the fourth quarter of 2017 reached 103.28 or strengthened compared to the previous quarter which only 102.76.

"It means that the economic condition of consumers in West Sumatra rose and more optimistic than the previous quarter," Head of West Sumatra BPS, Sukardi stated in Padang, Monday.

He explained the consumer tendency index is an indicator of latest economic developments produced by BPS through a survey of consumer tendencies that describe the condition of consumer economics in the current quarter.

He further said in conducting the survey, it conducted inter-quarterly panel to obtain a more accurate picture of changing in consumer perceptions over time.

The survey was conducted in Agam District, Padang City, Solok City and Bukittinggi City with a sample of 28 Census Blocks, he pointed out.

He added the decline in the consumer tendency index due to two forming variables that influence inflation to total household expenditure and variable volume or frequency of household consumption. (cha)

Translator: Vicha Faradika