Padang Aro, (Antara Sumbar) - The Government of South Solok District, West Sumatra hopes the construction of minihidro power plant (PLTM) by utilizing river flow does not disturb the existing tourism assets.
"Before the development plan of PLTM is implemented, there is already tourism asset in the form of waterfall of Tangsi Ampek there which have been known by public. Actually it does not damage PLTM project," Assistant II of South Solok Development of Economics, Epli Rahmat stated in Padang Aro, Tuesday (Oct 10).
It was said during the discussion of Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal) of PT Rajawali Liki Energi (RLE) which will build a power plant utilizing river flow in Lambai River, Sangir Sub-district, South Solok.
He said that in the area of PLTM project plan that will be implemented by PT RLE, there are 11 waterfalls and one of them is Tangsi Ampek which is very well known by many people who make a travel.
In addition, the waterfall of Tangsi Ampek also became the location of kayaking sports.
"All existing tourism assets must be saved and should not be disturbed by the development of micro power plants," he said.
He said the government strongly supports the incoming investment but do not damage existing assets.
In addition, partnership between PT RNI with South Solok already existed before the district was formed so it needs to be maintained with mutual support.
"Every government program must be responded quickly by PT RNI and vice versa," he said.
Director of PT RLE Ondi said it is planned to build a hydroelectric power plant (PLTA) with a capacity of 15.6 megawatts.
"According to the direction of PLN, if its capacity is above 10 megawatts then it is a PLTA instead of PLTM," he said.
The development is done in the flow of Batang Belangir and Batang Lambai by combining three PLTMH.
Because it uses the flow of Lambai and Belangir rivers, it together with related agencies and TNKS has conducted a survey.
"We promise to open in the discussion of Amdal documents. If we have to be surveyed again, we are ready to do it," he added. (cha)
Editor: Vicha Faradika