Padang (ANTARA) - Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno stressed the policy to provide free swab tests at the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) for tourists who come to the province for unlimited time, except there are new rules.
"It is impossible to be restricted because tourists always come. Until COVID-19 is over, then we stop the free swab test at the airport," he said in Padang, Wednesday.
However, the policy could change if the central government issues new regulations which are followed up by the regions.
He said that W Sumatra was quite prepared to carry out the policy, moreover the aim was also to protect the people of W Sumatra from the spread of COVID-19 from outside the region.
At present, the Laboratory of Andalas University and the Bukittinggi Veterinary Institute Laboratory can test around 1,500 to 2,000 swab samples every day, so human resource readiness is very adequate.
The possibility that will need a large budget is the procurement of reagents or fluids for corona virus tests using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. But the W Sumatra Provincial Government tried to meet these needs.
"If tourists test are positive for COVID-19, they will be immediately isolated. The facilities can be included in the tour package provided by the travel agency," he said.
Irwan admitted that for the tourism sector there were incentives and facilities provided in the first stage to stimulate the economy to move back.
According to him it needs to be done because this sector really down when the COVID-19 outbreak hit.
"With the movement of tourism, all related businesses such as souvenirs, culinary and hotels will reoperate. Thus, the economy is expected to improve and there will be income for the regions," he explained.
But all sector in tourism are required to adjust to health protocols.
The Head of the W Sumatra Tourism Office, Novrial, said that his office had socialized even simulating health protocol standards that must be obeyed by tourism businesses and destination managers.
The simulation can be a reference for all people engaged in tourism in W Sumatra.
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