Lubukbasung (ANTARA) - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency of W Sumatra said that Rafflesia Flower populations were found in 14 of 19 districts and cities in the province.
"Almost all regencies and cities in W Sumatra have found this rare flower," said W Sumatra BKSDA chief, Erly Sukrismanto in Agam, on Wednesday.
He said, from 19 regencies and cities in W Sumatra, only five regencies and cities had not yet been found Rafflesia flowers.
The five regencies and cities such as Mentawai, Solok, Sawahlunto, Pariaman and Payakumbuh Regencies.
He said the rafflesia found were Arnoldii, Gadutensis, Haseltii and Tuan-Mudae species.
Specifically in Agam, rafflesia populations are found in 13 points scattered in the Districts of Palembayan, Tanjungraya, Palupuh, Baso, Kamangmagek, Tilatangkamang, Malalak and Matur.
"Agam is the largest area of Rafflesia population distribution in W Sumatra and Agam is the only population of Rafflesia Tuan-Mudae in Indonesia," he said.
He added, with the large population of the Rafflesia, BKSDA discouraged the W Sumatra Province as the home of the Rafflesia.
He hopes the support of the local government and the community so that the Rafflesia house can be realized.
"People are also asked to maintain and preserve these rafflesia flowers," he said.
The Tuan-mudae Rafflesia flower in Marambuang, Nagari Baringin, Palembayan District is the largest in the world with a diameter of 111 centimeters. In 2017, the Tuan-younge rafflesia flower has also bloomed with a diameter of 107 centimeters .
The flower is the largest in the world and this is based on the results of research conducted by Rafflesia University Expert and Researcher Bengkulu University Dr. Agus Susatya.
At that location, around 43 knobs were found and currently only five are left because they have bloomed.
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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