Pulau Punjung (ANTARA) - The tradition of Manjalang Mintuo or visiting parent-in-laws by daughters-in-law still survives in Dharmasraya Regency, W Sumatra in welcoming Ramadhan 1440 Hijriah.
Like Tri Rahma (26), the Sikabau society, on Pulau Punjung , Sunday, said Manjalang Mintuo, in addition to a form of respect, also as a place to strengthen friendship between daughter-in-law and parent-in-laws.
Manjalang Mintuo is not only coming home and forgiving each other, but she said accompanied by carrying a lunch carrier containing various dishes. The food will be served and eaten together.
"Today I want to go to my parent in-laws 'place, bring the food to eat together later at my parent in-laws' house," she said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Sikabau Traditional Density (KAN) of Sikabau, Pulau Punjung Subdistrict, Jamhur Dt Jati explained that in addition to welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadhan, Manjalang Mintuo was also often carried out after Eid al-Fitr.
He said that usually the lunch carrier contained dishes in the form of meat curry, rendang, fried fish, chili sauce, cakes, and various other traditional cuisines.
"At present there are still many residents who are running the tradition of Manjalang Mintuo as a form of respect between daughter-in-law and parent-in-laws," he said.
Although the tradition has been passed down through generations, he also does not deny that there are some people who do not implement it. This may be due to several factors, such as economic factors and others.
"It might be because of the economy, but there are also people who don't bring lunch carrier and just visit, it doesn't matter, there are no restrictions, the important point is friendship," he said
He hopes that the tradition of Manjalang Mintuo will survive in the lives of the Minangkabau people in particular. Because visiting and staying in touch with parents is a must that should not be abandoned.
"Visit both parents while they are still alive. Without food being brought, keep coming and stay in touch with parents, "he added.
Translated by: Internship student of ANTARA SUMBAR 2019
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