Padang, (Antara Sumbar) - Kesyahbandaran and Bayur Bay Port Authority investigated the spill of diesel oil contaminating the six docks of Bayur Bay, Padang Municipality, West Sumatra.
"Indication of the spillage was first reported on Thursday at 03.15 a.m, until now we are still investigating where the origin of oil and the extent of pollution are," Head of Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority (KSOP) of Bayur Bay, Yus K Usmany stated in Padang, Thursday (Oct 12).
Type of fuel is commonly used for transportation machinery, diesel engines and industrial machinery.
According to Yus, the oil spill is not much because of oil observation is on the edge of dock only.
"The amount of oil spilled is not certain the volumes yet," he said.
But he made sure that no vessel leaked so that for a while it was suspected that there was an unidentified ballast or waste water.
"We immediately conduct an investigation," he pointed out.
For handling, it will follow the existing rules and for the early stage, Bayur Bay KSOP immediately continue the investigation although the spill is not much.
"The observation shows the contamination but wo do not know the number of polluted sea yet," hE noted.
He added that the ballast water discharge must follow the rules in "Ballast Water Management" (BWM) to avoid the occurrence of environmental pollution. (cha)
Editor: Vicha Faradika
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