Attractions in Solok Selatan are equipped with internet networks

id wifi,pariwisata,solok selatan,tempat pariwisata,Saribu rumah gadang

Attractions in Solok Selatan are equipped with internet networks

Officer installs VSAT internet devices in one of the homestays in the Saribu Rumah Gadang area in Nagari Koto Baru, Solok Selatan (ANTARA SUMBAR / special)

Padang Aro (ANTARA) - The Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI), the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, assist Solok Selatan Regency, W Sumatra, provides free internet networks at tourist attractions.

"Installation of VSAT Internet by BAKTI Ministry of Communication and Information RI for Saribu Rumah Gadang area in three homestays and Camintoran Campground has been completed. At present the conditions are good and well connected, "said Head of the Communication and Information Office of Solok Selatan, Syamsurizal, in Padang Aro, on Tuesday.

He hopes that the assistance from BAKTI Kemenkominfo will be useful for promoting tourism and culture in Solok Selatan, specifically for promoting tourism in the Saribu Rumah Gadang area and camintoran campgrounds.

Estimated costs for VSAT internet installation starting from the delivery of equipment from Jakarta to the installation of equipment or installation at a location of around Rp. 75 million per device.

Whereas the distance for internet access in the camintoran campsite area is 600-800 meters and in the Saribu Rumah Gadang area 500 meters.

In addition, he said, previously in the area of Saribu Rumah Gadang, Indihome had also been installed in six homestays and all costs were borne by the local government.

In the Muaralabuh green open space, he said, free wifi is available and can be accessed by the community and this is the result of collaboration with Telkomsel.

"We hope the easier access to internet for better tourism promotion and managers are expected to maintain it well," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Tourism and Culture of Solok Selatan, Harry Trisna said, with this free internet, the manager of a Rumah Gadang homestay is easier to promote, so that it can increase tourist visits.

"This free internet will be very beneficial for the progress of Solok Selatan tourism going forward and homestay owners are expected to make good use of it," he said.

Baca juga: Objek wisata Solok Selatan dilengkapi jaringan internet, promosi tingkatkan kunjungan

Editor: Mutiara Ramadhani

Translated by : Internship Student of ANTARA 2019