Payakumbuh (ANTARA) - The Government of Payakumbuh, W Sumatra will hold a festival for three days in the Batang Agam area, Sungai Pinago, Payakumbuh Barat  in this March.

Payakumbuh Deputy Mayor, Erwin Yunaz in Payakumbuh, said Tuesday the festival was to promote the Batang Agam region as one of the new tourist attractions in the area.

"We will make the event for three days by involving the public as well as introducing Batang Agam as a new tourist attraction in Payakumbuh," he said.

He said the Batang Agam area has become a new attraction as a tourist attraction that is quite crowded visited by tourists  in Payakumbuh.
Batang Agam is part of Payakumbuh Government's efforts to make the river a front portrait of Payakumbuh City.

In the future, Payakumbuh Government also continues to strive to create a number of new tourist attractions that can invite tourists to visit.
"Payakumbuh has been included as one of the tourist destinations. It can be seen from the increase in visitors to our area every year," he said.

 For this year there will be three tours in Payakumbuh included in the W Sumatra tourist calendar, namely the Flying Duck Race, Payakumbuh Botuang Festival, and Bagodang Lima Kota.
"Payakumbuh tourism calendar has been integrated with the tourism calendar in W Sumatra Province. Hopefully this activity can expose the city to all levels of society," he said.

Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani

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Pewarta : Akmal Nugraha
Editor : Maswandi
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