Muaro (ANTARA) - The Regional Government of Sijunjung Regency through the Department of Food and Fisheries has pushed to push the marketing of regional specialty foods, by holding a Culinary Market every Monday, starting on September 16, 2019 on Jalan Pasar Inpres Muaro .

The effort is to market regional culinary and help traders access to the community, said the Head of the Food and Fisheries Office of Sijunjung District, Nizam Ulmuluk, on Thursday.

"In the market, a variety of special foods of Sijunjung will be served, namely foods made from tuber  such as , lamang ubi, lapek ubi, godok ubi, centel and processed fish such as fish crackers, crispy fish, then traditional processed foods such as randang cukbi, randang bilalang and so on,"he said.

In addition, it also provides a low-cost market by cooperating with Bulog Sijunjung and Toko Tani Indonesia Center.

Nizam said, his party would also facilitate all equipment, such as providing tents, chairs and tables for traders to sell these unique culinary. The facility is provided free of charge to sell, so the culinary market is active every weekend or every Monday.

"The purpose of these activities are to promote local culinary specialties of Lansek Manih that have not been performed yet and affordability for cheap, high-quality food prices, as well as supporting the Geopark Ranang Minang Silokek tourism," he explained.

Baca juga: Beragam makanan khas Sijunjung dipasarkan, setiap awal pekan

Editor Mutiara Ramadhani

Translated by: Internship Student of ANTARA 2019

Pewarta : Dicko
Editor : Maswandi
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