Batusangkar (ANTARA) - The government of Tanah Datar District, W Sumatra, plans to juggle the Cindua Mato Batusangkar Field into a Fountain Park with a children's playground to become a family tourist destination.

Regional Secretary of Tanah Datar, Irwandi in Batusangkar on Monday, said that at present his party was not only focused on developing its human resources, but also on how to build adequate infrastructure for its citizens.

One of the ongoing works is the revitalization of the Cindua Mato Batusangkar field, with a budget of Rp5.4 billion from the Tanah Datar Regional Revenue Budget (APBD).

The construction includes a performance stage, Medan Nan Bapaneh building, gates, mushalla, fountain, children's playground and many other public facilities.

He said to speed up the work, his party had held a Nagari Tuo Pariangan area structuring meeting and Cindua Mato field
The meeting discussed the readiness of the local government to receive a grant allocation of Rp. 15.3 billion for the revitalization of the Cindua Mato area and Rp. 17.3 billion for the Nagari Tuo Pariangan area for the 2020 work.

In addition, his party also received suggestion including design, materials used, overall budget, drainage and others.

"The development of the Cindua Mato field area is currently underway, whatever is lacking in its planning, as well as integrating the concepts related to this development," he said.

He also said that the renovation of the Cindua Mato area had made the sports activities of students in the Batusangkar city a bit disrupted. It is expected that all parties understand and accept this field revitalization work. (*)

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Translated by: Mutiara Ramadhani - Internship Student of ANTARA 2019

Pewarta : Etri Saputra
Editor : Maswandi
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