Padang, (Antara Sumbar) - A professor of sociology from University of Andalas (Unand) Padang, West Sumatra Prof. Afrizal said by prioritizing Human Rights (HAM), government or company will find the solution to solve mining problems in Indonesia.

"People should be given the opportunity to consider their interest in land for mine clearing, It is one of human rights priorities," he said in Padang on Wednesday.

According to him, the issue of Mining Business License has always been prominent and it has potential to become a conflict between stakeholders and community.

On the other hand, stakeholders have an IUP and entitled to mine clearance but indigenous people have rights to land, consequently conflict occurs.

It can be prevented if both parties, especially businessmen or government, appreciate community's choice, especially when opening new land for mining.

In this case, entrepreneur must understand the heritage of people owned by community.

And the government mediates between the two sides.

"So there is no perception that human rights are just government and corporate business," he said.

He thinks it is better to wait for a decision from community than to violate the conflicting human rights and disrupt the company.

He added that the business and human rights relationship has been described in the meeting between ASEAN countries in Pontianak some time ago.

From the results of meetings between experts and business stakeholders in Southeast Asian countries, business is not friendly to human rights.

Quite a lot for business purposes, the rights of society are violated and sacrificed.

"So the existence of business are not only to pursue profit but also development of society," he said.

However, he said, there are many people who are still tempted to temporary profit but sustainable losses.

This is the task of government in balancing economic interests of community business.

Meanwhile, the Director of Environment Forum of West Sumatra, Uslaini said that mining business such as IUP can be completed by following the rules that have been made.

Regardless of community or not, company is proven to be non clean n clear (CnC), its license must be revoked.

Then the CnC company whose mining area encompasses the protected forest and customary ban also needs to be shortlisted.

"Here, it will show government's concern in prioritizing public interests in addition to business," he said. (cha)

Editor: Vicha Faradika

Pewarta : M R Denya Utama
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