Lubukbasung (ANTARA) - Paragliding tourist destination is now present in Bukik Bakua, Agam Regency, W Sumatra, Nagari Tabek Panjang, Baso Subdistrict with two-way takeoff location that can be utilized by athletes.

The Agam paragliding activists, Hendry Uwo in Lubukbasung said on Wednesday that two takeoff locations with winds from the west flew towards the Baso Market and the wind from the east flew towards the Baso Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN).

"I and several other paragliding athletes have conducted trials at that location," he said.

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In addition to having two takeoff locations, he said, the advantage of that location is that it can fly for quite a long duration by enjoying the beauty of the area from a height.

The takeoff and landing location is very close so it is suitable for landing accuracy competition and can be used for training for beginner athletes.

"Hopefully new athletes will be present in the Baso Subdistrict and they can achieve later," he said.

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He admitted that he had found four take-off locations in Bukik Bulek, Malalak Subistrict, Unguk Sarok, Lubukbasung Subdistrict, Satu Juta Janjang Gunung Singgalang, Banuhampu Subdistrict and Bukik Bakuak, Baso Subdistrict.

From four locations, three locations can be developed namely, Bukik Bulek,  Malalak Subistrict, Satu Juta Janjang Gunuang Singgalang, Banuhampu Subdistrict and Bukik Bakuak, Baso Subdistrict.

"The three takeoff locations can be developed as paragliding locations," he said.

Agam currently has a takeoff location in Puncak Lawang, Matur Subdistrict with a landing in Bayur, Tanjungraya Subdistrict.

This location is often used for national and international standard competitions. At that location, you can enjoy the beauty of Lake Maninjau from a height.

Transleted by; Mutiara Ramadhani

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Pewarta : Yusrizal
Editor : Maswandi
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