Padang (ANTARA) - Andalas University (Unand) Padang, West Sumatra received 1,910 new students through the National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN) this year.

"Out of the 20,160 registrants, 1,910 new students were accepted," said Unand Vice Rector I Prof. Mansyurdin in Padang, Thursday.

He mentioned that from the 1,910 new students there were 501 students who entered through the Indonesia Smart Lecture Card (KIP-K).

Whereas the three favorite majors of the science group are Pharmacy with 1,302 applicants, Doctor of Education 1,240 applicants  and Public Health Sciences 818 applicants.

While for the socialities humanities study programs the most popular are the law with 1,085 interested persons, management  with 986 interested persons and accounting  with 724 interested.

For re-registration it implemented an online system to anticipate the spread of corona outbreaks.

"Now we just use the online system, previously we also had planned to implement the system to facilitate prospective students," he said.

He said the registration will begin on April 14 2020 until May 5, 2020.

Prospective students can access the web or

Related to medical tests and registration as participants of the Indonesia Health Card National Health Insurance for prospective new students who require coming will be postponed until conditions have recovered or until students have entered.

So there is a study program that requires prospective students not to be color blind, for now we just accept it first, but they make a letter of agreement and if they are color blind then they must be ready to change majors, including those who are positive of drugs should drop out, he said.

He made sure that everything was made easier and there was no face-to-face meeting, when the situation was conducive, it will be held health and drug tests.

While for the 2020 New Student Joint Selection he said that it will be held on April 26 to May 23, 2020, but it was postponed because corona and  will be held on 6-12 July 2020. (*)

Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani

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Pewarta : Ikhwan Wahyudi
Editor : Maswandi
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