Padang (ANTARA) - Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (FQIA) in Padang recorded that shipments of fishery products from W Sumatra domestically to other regions in Indonesia have decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the last three months.
Head of the Padang FQIA Service Arrangement Section, Rini Sardi in Padang, on Wednesday, said not only exports were reduced but also on domestic shipments.
He added that in March 2020 shipments were still high but in April 2020 it declined and in May it continued to decline.
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He mentioned that FQIA Padang issued 440 fisheries health certificates during March 2020 with a total of 74,065 or 212.608 kilograms with a value of Rp15.2 billion.
While in April 2020 only 230 fishery health certificates were issued for 82,921 fishery products with a value of Rp578 million.
While in May 2020 only 134 fishery health certificates were issued for 34,173 live fishery products and 1,029 non-living kilograms with a value of Rp.4.4 billion.
He said for domestic fishery products in W Sumatra were sent to a number of areas such as Jakarta, Batam, Sibolga, Belawan, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Surabaya, Jambi, Kerinci and others.
In March 2020 a number of fisheries products that were successfully shipped were 38,946 live lobsters or 482 kilograms worth Rp3.9 billion. Then fresh mackerel fish weighing 51,320 kilograms with a value of Rp3.8 billion, fresh layur fish weighing 27,861 kilograms with Rp1.3 billion, fresh pomfret weighing 9,870 kilograms worth Rp929 million.
After that, there were 25,890 kilograms of fresh tuna, valued at Rp906 million, 41,540 kilograms of fresh flying fish valued at Rp831 million, dry sea cucumbers weighing 1,546 kilograms with a value of Rp618 million.
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Then a large octopus weighing 9,560 kilograms with a value of Rp430 million, fresh grouper fish weighing 1,372 killograms with a value of Rp411 million, dry reli fish weighing 17,743 kilograms with a value of Rp354 million and other fish totaling 35,119 or 25,404 kilograms worth Rp1.6 billion
While in April 2020 lobster shipments were 40,901 or 89 kilograms with a value of Rp334 million, then there were 37.375 marine ornamental fish with a value of Rp107 million, 138 betta fish with a value of Rp63 million and 34 liters of carp eggs valued at Rp3.9 million .
In May 2020 shipments of 20,995 lobsters or 45 kilograms with a value of Rp4.2 billion were shipped 71 times, then 12,217 marine ornamental fish with 19 shipments with a value of Rp61 million, 137 betta fish sent 26 times with a value of Rp685 .000 and 824 kilograms of dried sea cucumber for eight shipments
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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Head of the Padang FQIA Service Arrangement Section, Rini Sardi in Padang, on Wednesday, said not only exports were reduced but also on domestic shipments.
He added that in March 2020 shipments were still high but in April 2020 it declined and in May it continued to decline.
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He mentioned that FQIA Padang issued 440 fisheries health certificates during March 2020 with a total of 74,065 or 212.608 kilograms with a value of Rp15.2 billion.
While in April 2020 only 230 fishery health certificates were issued for 82,921 fishery products with a value of Rp578 million.
While in May 2020 only 134 fishery health certificates were issued for 34,173 live fishery products and 1,029 non-living kilograms with a value of Rp.4.4 billion.
He said for domestic fishery products in W Sumatra were sent to a number of areas such as Jakarta, Batam, Sibolga, Belawan, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Surabaya, Jambi, Kerinci and others.
In March 2020 a number of fisheries products that were successfully shipped were 38,946 live lobsters or 482 kilograms worth Rp3.9 billion. Then fresh mackerel fish weighing 51,320 kilograms with a value of Rp3.8 billion, fresh layur fish weighing 27,861 kilograms with Rp1.3 billion, fresh pomfret weighing 9,870 kilograms worth Rp929 million.
After that, there were 25,890 kilograms of fresh tuna, valued at Rp906 million, 41,540 kilograms of fresh flying fish valued at Rp831 million, dry sea cucumbers weighing 1,546 kilograms with a value of Rp618 million.
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Then a large octopus weighing 9,560 kilograms with a value of Rp430 million, fresh grouper fish weighing 1,372 killograms with a value of Rp411 million, dry reli fish weighing 17,743 kilograms with a value of Rp354 million and other fish totaling 35,119 or 25,404 kilograms worth Rp1.6 billion
While in April 2020 lobster shipments were 40,901 or 89 kilograms with a value of Rp334 million, then there were 37.375 marine ornamental fish with a value of Rp107 million, 138 betta fish with a value of Rp63 million and 34 liters of carp eggs valued at Rp3.9 million .
In May 2020 shipments of 20,995 lobsters or 45 kilograms with a value of Rp4.2 billion were shipped 71 times, then 12,217 marine ornamental fish with 19 shipments with a value of Rp61 million, 137 betta fish sent 26 times with a value of Rp685 .000 and 824 kilograms of dried sea cucumber for eight shipments
Transleted by: Mutiara Ramadhani
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