Angso Duo island reopened after being closed for one month

id pariwisata pariaman,berita pariaman,berita sumbar,pulau angso duo

Angso Duo island reopened after being closed for one month

Mayor of Pariaman, W Sumatra Genius Umar (three left) reviewed tourist ship that sank yesterday at Pariaman waters on Sunday. (Antara / Aadiaat M. S)

Pariaman (ANTARA) - The Government of Pariaman, W Sumatra, began opening tours to Angso Duo Island after being closed for one month due to shipwreck on Saturday, Oct 26 which caused fatalities.

"Tourist access from Gandoriah Beach to Angso Duo Island has been opened since yesterday," Mayor Pariaman Genius Umar said in Pariaman on Thursday.

He said during the month his side improved the administration system and inspected the ship and its safety equipment to comply with operational procedures standards.

He said ticket sales are no longer managed by the Tourism and Culture Office but are managed by the local Transportation Agency.

He explained, the length of the closure of the tour to the Angso Duo Island was because he wanted to prepare it as well as possible in order to provide comfort to tourists who want to enjoy the island tour.

He realized that the closure could disrupt the economy of residents as ship entrepreneurs and who work in the field of tourist ships, but the decision must be taken so that the island tour in Pariaman will not cause casualties.

"I also request that the captain and crew be more careful and give priority and safety," he said.

Previously,The Government of Pariaman, W Sumatra temporarily closed a tourist visit to the island in the area after the sinking of a tourist boat on Saturday Oct 26, afternoon which caused a tourist death.

He said improvements were made, starting from the inspection of the ship's feasibility, the ship's captain, to the departure system.

He conveyed the improvement involved a number of parties ranging from related agencies to police, port officer and Local Port Authority.

Translated by: Mutiara Ramadhani

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