Visitors Can Enjoy Lake Singkarak from Air

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Visitors Can Enjoy Lake Singkarak from Air

Paragliding. (Antara Sumbar/ist./)

Batusangkar, (Antaranews Sumbar) - Visitors who travel to Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra can see the panorama of Lake Singkarak from the air by flying with professional paragliding athletes at Paragliding Fun Fly Macau II Peak activity.

The organizing committee of Paragliding Fun Fly, Suharmen in here on Sunday (June 17) said that the event was held at the peak of Macau II Nagari (traditional village) Malalo, South Batipuah Sub-district on June 18 to 19, 2018.

"The activity will be followed by paragliding athletes in West Sumatra and it will be accompanied by a professional pilot for visitors who want to fly," he said.

He mentioned Paragliding Fun Fly activities have been held several times since the last few years, because of the high public interest then the activity is held agian in 2018.

Meanwhile, one of the Tanah Datar Paragliding pilots, Kenedy said since it was held several years ago, the athletes of paragliding in Sumatra and the community as well as the immigrants who return home are enthusiastic to follow the activity.

According to him, the beauty of Macau II Peak which became the place of the activity is quite interesting and received praise from many parties because of the beauty of scenery and the availability of landing location that is quite good.

"Based on the responses from several parties, Macau II Peak is considered good enough for the implementation of paragliding activities, ranging from the beautiful view of Lake Singkarak to landings that are quite extensive," he explained.

He added that there are about 13 people who signed up to participate in flying with athletes until now and it is expected to continue to increase until the day of activity implementation. (cha)