S Solok Gabah Production Reached 127,980 Tons

id S Solok Gabah Production Reached 127,980 Tons

S Solok Gabah Production Reached 127,980 Tons

Dry Gabah. (Antara)

Padang Aro, (Antara Sumbar) - The production of gabah (dry unhulled rice) in South Solok District, West Sumatra, until October 2017 reached 127,980 tons or 84.091 percent of the target of 152,191 tons.

"We are optimistic that by the end of the year, the target of 152,191 tons will be achieved due to the fact that the October period has not yet entered and in December 2017 there is also a lot of harvest," Tri Handoyo Gunardi, Head of South Solok Agriculture Office stated in Padang Aro, Friday.

The government has also distributed aid to farmer groups such as plow or hand tractor, rice transplanter and handsprayer.

In addition, the rainy season in the district is also very supportive to increase production at the end of the year.

"A total of 66 extension workers also continue to encourage people in the field," he said.

It also involves observers of pests and plant diseases to increase production.

The target for South Solok planting in 2017 will increase from 26,690 hectares in 2016 to 27,773 hectares.

In addition, the harvested area also increased from 25,889 hectares in 2016 to 27,762 hectares in 2017.

He added, the new paddy field printing process can also boost production at the end of the year.

Related to new paddy fields, this year South Solok gets 92 hectares in two locations: Padang Limau Sundai Sangir Batang Hari Sub-district and Liki Sangir Sub-district.

South Solok alone has a planting index (IP) 2.7 annually.

Actually he said, South Solok charged IP 3.5 per year but it is difficult to implement.

"Farmers after harvest tend to leave the fields empty for a few weeks while preparing the seeds so it is difficult to reach IP 3.5," he added. (cha)

Editor: Vicha Faradika