W Pasaman Declared Healthy Living Community Movement

id W Pasaman Declared Healthy Living Community Movement

W Pasaman Declared Healthy Living Community Movement

Germas. (Antara)

Simpang Empat, (Antara Sumbar) - West Pasaman District, West Sumatra declared the Movement of Healthy Living Community (Germas) and Stop Misses Big Bang (SBS), Tuesday (Dec 5).

Through the declaration, West Pasaman Barat Official Government, Syahiran targets that people have stopped the behavior of SBS in 2018.

Declaration is also done by delivery commitment together of 40 Jorong Head in West Pasaman who are still considered to do not do Germas and SBS.

Besides, Deputy Regent of West Pasaman, Yulianto said Indonesia is currently facing a big challenge namely double burden health problem because of the disease which is still infectious.

However, changes in people's lifestyles become one of the causes of shifting patterns of disease (epidemiological transitions).

"In 2015, non-communicable diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD), cancer and diabetes actually ranked the highest," he said.

He expalined actually there is a valuable lesson in the era of National Health Insurance (JKN), then many budgets are absorbed to finance catastrophic diseases.

In addition, JKN participants' health services are also dominated in health financing at the advanced level rather than primary level.

"In general, West Pasaman District has implemented community-based total sanitation activities with the ultimate goal of universal access (100-0-100) by 2019, but the area promises to be completed or reached by 2018," he added. (cha)

Editor: Vicha Faradika